Cortez Sanitation District Building

The Cortez Sanitation District is a special district organized in 1953 under the Colorado Statutes. The District provides wastewater collection and treatment services to the residents of Cortez, Colorado and areas immediately surrounding the city. The District’s operating revenue is derived from service fees and plant investment fees charged to the users of District services.



News and Notices

Notice is hereby given that a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors of the Cortez Sanitation District.  The term of office expires at the next regular election on May 4, 2027.  Any interested elector may file a letter of interest in such position by email to Jan Nelson (
The Cortez Sanitation District will host its next board meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the district office, located at 2908 S. Broadway, Cortez, Colorado, and is open to the public.

Upcoming Closures and Meetings

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How Do I

We offer a variety of convenient ways to pay your bill. Click on an item below to see the details.

Payments can be mailed to:

Cortez Sanitation District
PO Box 730
Cortez, CO 81321

City Market Drop Box
Drop off payment inside City Market next to the Service Desk. The drop box is located at 508 E. Main St, Cortez.

Cortez Sanitation District Drop Box
The payment drop box is located to the left of the main gate. The drop box is located at 2908 S. Broadway, Cortez.

Cash payments will now be accepted at the 24-hour utility payment kiosk inside the foyer of Empire Electric at 801 N. Broadway.