For sewer emergencies during office hours please call 970-565-3962 x 100.
For sewer emergencies after hours please call dispatch at 970-565-8441.
Contact us for any questions on your sewer bill.
Our History
The Cortez Sanitation District is a special district organized in 1953 under the Colorado Statutes. The District provides wastewater collection and treatment services to the residents of Cortez, Colorado and areas immediately surrounding the city. The District’s operating revenue is derived from service fees and plant investment fees charged to the users of District services. The Cortez Sanitation District has a service area of 4600 acres and within the service area owns and maintains approximately 70 miles of sewer lines.
In 2004 the district combined the three small treatment facilities into one by adding two large lift stations where two of the three treatment facilities previously operated. There are currently 5 sewer lift stations that pump raw sewage to an elevation that allows gravity flow to the treatment facility built in 2004-2006. The capacity of the new treatment facility is 1.6 MGD. The current flows run an average of .8 MGD (about 50% of hydraulic capacity).
The District employs 12 fulltime employees.
We are very proud of the service we provide and take pride in jobs well done. Please call or come by for a tour of our treatment facility.