Notice is hereby given that a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors of the Cortez Sanitation District. The term of office expires at the next regular election on May 4, 2027. Any interested elector may file a letter of interest in such position by email to Jan Nelson ( Letters of interest must be received by May 6, 2025.
The letter of interest must include the interested party’s residential address and an affirmation that the interested party is an eligible elector of the Cortez Sanitation District. An eligible elector means a person who is registered to vote in the state of Colorado and who is a resident of the special district or who, or whose spouse or civil union partner, owns taxable real or personal property situated within the boundaries of the Cortez Sanitation District, whether or not such person resides within the boundaries of the District.
For questions regarding the position, please contact Jan Nelson at 970-565-3962. The Board of Directors desires to fill the vacancy by appointment at its regular meeting on May 12, 2025.
By Board of Directors